Hi, I’m Benjamin, I am a French guy doing my PhD in France.
My path to experimental research was not very clear-cut. After high school, I studied and got a master’s degree in engineering. I went to Canada after this to get a second master’s degree in engineering physics. This is where I first started experimental physics and in particular ultrafast optics along with a bit of laser physics.
Continuing with a PhD was the natural path from there. As I enjoyed the topic of my master’s degree, I chose to stay in ultrafast optics and I am now conducting research within the company Fastlite located in Antibes (French riviera). I am currently working on a peculiar nonlinear optical effect called supercontinuum generation. I am trying to increase our understanding of this phenomenon.
Outside of research, I recently developed an interest in climbing, indoors and outdoors. I also like playing Kendama, the guitar and the clarinet.
2018 Engineering degree, CentraleSupélec.
2020 Master’s degree in engineering physics, the title of the thesis is : Dispersion Characterization in Single-Mode Optical Fibers for Supercontinuum Generation Supporting FewCycle Pulses, Polytechnique Montréal, M.A.Sc.
2017-2020 Master’s degree in engineering physics, the title of the thesis is : Dispersion Characterization in Single-Mode Optical Fibers for Supercontinuum Generation Supporting FewCycle Pulses, Polytechnique Montréal, Two years of experimental work in an ultrafast and nonlinear optics lab with class 4 lasers.
2015-2017 Engineering school, CentraleSupélec, Engineering studies in the fields of electronics, informatics and physics, GPA : 3,7.
2016-2017 First year of a master’s degree in fundamental physics, Université Pierre et Marie Curie.
2013-2015 Classe préparatoire, Lycée Descartes Tours, Two-year highly selective classes to prepare for
the competitive exams to the Grandes Ecoles.
Professional experience
2017-2020 Student employee in an optics lab, Experimentalist in Pr. Denis Seletskiy’s optics lab.
2016 and 2017 Employee in a vacation center for the SNCF, Cleaning the premises, washing dishes and
serving the meals to the children