Dr. Erik Nibbering
FVB-MBI, Berlin, Germany
Email: nibbering@mbi-berlin.de | |
Name: Erik T. J. Nibbering
Nationality: Dutch
Date of birth: 1965
Current position:
Department Head C1: Femtosecond Spectroscopy of Molecular Systems
Project coordinator: Dynamics of Condensed Phase Molecular Systems Nonlinear Processes in Condensed Matter Division C, Max Born Institute
Short CV:
1988: Master in Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1988-1993: PhD in Physical Chemistry, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands
Erik T. J. Nibbering (born in 1965) studied chemistry at the Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) from 1983 to 1988, graduating in physical chemistry with a diploma thesis on multiple quantum NMR. He investigated femtosecond optical dephasing and solvation dynamics in liquids for his Ph. D. study with Prof. Dr. Douwe A. Wiersma and Prof. Dr. Koos Duppen at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (The Netherlands, 1988−1993). After a two-year stay at the Laboratoire d’Optique Appliqueé − E.N.S.T.A. − École Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France) with Prof. Dr. André Mysyrowicz, where he investigated nonlinear propagation phenomena of intense femtosecond laser pulses, he joined the Max Born Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie in Berlin, Germany, in 1995, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Elsaesser, becoming project leader in 1997 and department head in 2003. He acquired his Habilitation degree in experimental physics in 2007 at the Freie Universität Berlin. Major achievements in the first decade of the 21st century include femtosecond infrared spectroscopic studies on hydrogen bond dynamics, bimolecular aqueous proton transfer and bimolecular electron transfer, as well as trans/cis isomerization in chromophores of biosensor proteins and photochromic switches. Recent efforts focus on the elucidation of hydrogen bond structure of photoacid-base complexes, to be tackled with time-resolved infrared and soft-x-ray spectroscopies.
For more details and a publication list, please see https://mbi-berlin.de/p/eriktjnibbering
For more details about our scientific goals, please see https://mbi-berlin.de/research/projects/31-dynamics-of-condensed-phase-molecular-systems/project-goals