The MSCA Innovative Training Network on the Study of carrier transport in MAterials by time-Resolved specTroscopy with ultrashort soft X-ray light (SMART-X) has just started!
SMART-X is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral network aiming at the training of scientists who will bring X-ray ultrafast spectroscopy beyond the current state of the art as a standard technique for investigation in crucial sectors of material science, with a particular emphasis on the investigation of charge carrier dynamics in materials relevant for novel energy supply and storage. The network will recruit 15 early-stage researchers (ESRs) to work towards the ambitious goal of the development of tabletop X-ray ultrafast spectroscopy in the condensed phase. Within SMART-X, a generation of creative, innovative, well-connected scientists will work towards unveiling the special physics of future and emerging material platforms, by implementing a research program at the physics/chemistry interface with partners from 7 European countries. This network will enhance the career perspectives of the ESRs by training them in a broad range of scientific, technical and
transferable skills, through a unique combination of projects, secondments, and tailored courses provided by 8 world-leading academic institutions, 2 large scale facilities, and 2 high-tech companies.