April 06-09, 2022
Trieste, Italy
Riva del Mandracchio, 4
34124 Trieste
Invited Speakers:
- Simone DiMitri (Elettra) Introduction to short wavelength coherent light sources: present and outlook (Open the presentation here)
- Gianluca Stefanucci, NEGF methods for realtime simulations of interacting electrons and bosons
- Andrea Caviglia (TU Delft), Coherent spin-wave transport in an antiferromagnet (Open the presentation here)
- Anna Bergamaschi (PSI), Position sensitive detectors for the soft X-ray and EUV energy range: overview and new developments (Open the presentation here)
- Nirit Dudovich (Weintzman institute of Science), Attosecond Interferometry
- Scott Cushing (Caltech), Translating excited state X-ray measurements into physical phenomena (Open the presentation here)
Early stage researchers have presented their work
It has been organized a tour to the caves which was followed by a social dinner at the Malcanton restaurant
The third day was dedicated to the Supervisory Board meeting and ESRs activities (FAME Lab, SMART-X Optica chapter), which continued on Saturday morning.
You can find more pictures of the event here