SMART-X is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks funded in the framework of the European HORIZON 2020 program.
SMART-X is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral network aiming at the training of scientists who will bring X-ray ultrafast spectroscopy beyond the current state of the art as a standard technique for investigation in crucial sectors of material science, with a particular emphasis on the investigation of charge carrier dynamics in materials relevant for novel energy supply and storage.
The main objective of the SMART-X proposal is to create a platform where Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) will receive an inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral comprehensive research training in one of the major field of Photonics that will be contributed by leading universities and research centers, and by key-player companies in the development and commercialization of state-of-the-art ultrafast laser sources and detection systems.
Well-designed activities will be offered by the network to enhance the Early Stage Researchers’ career perspectives in both the academic and private sectors, with particular attention to high-quality training in research, innovation, management, and entrepreneurship as well as communication skills. Through their research activities Early Stage Researchers will contribute to the development of laser technology, in particular, table-top X-ray sources for ultrafast spectroscopy of molecules in solution and molecular powders as well as of solids. They also will participate in 2D material engineering and development of theoretical models.